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Average experience:
4+ years
Academic degrees:
MA & PhD

Our experts have been writing and editing personal statements for years and know all the dos & don’ts. They are qualified to make content expressive of you and your ideas. All you need is to expect brief, convincing, and cliché-free text.

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MA 4.5
Writer #96132

College, Medical School, Residency, Fellowship, Grad School, PhD

2805 Completed orders
8 years Writing experience
MA 4.6
Writer #258589

College, Grad School, Business School, PhD

2426 Completed orders
7 years Writing experience
PhD 4.8
Writer #255141

College, Grad School, Law School, PhD

3405 Completed orders
10 years Writing experience
MA 4.7
Writer #192868

College, Dental School, Nursing School, Medical School, Grad School

3298 Completed orders
9 years Writing experience
PhD 4.9
Writer #258589

College, Grad School, Business School, Law School, PhD

3509 Completed orders
10 years Writing experience
MS 5
Writer #262843

College, Medical School, Residency, Fellowship, Grad School, PhD

1983 Completed orders
6 years Writing experience
MA 4.5
Writer #259102

College, Grad School, Business School, PhD

2194 Completed orders
7 years Writing experience
PhD 4.8
Writer #101149

College, Dental School, Nursing School, Medical School, Grad School

3358 Completed orders
10 years Writing experience
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Customer: #334820

What can I say- just love it. Hope the admission team would like it as well. Thank tou so much for working hard and do your best to write such a great statement.

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Thank you for this amazing personal statement. It's perfect, no need for any change. You can close my order.

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Thanks!!! Amazing!!!!

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  • We insist that you pay enough attention to our Questionnaire. Save it on your computer, complete it, and attach the file to the order form. Have no doubt that any data you submit is kept secret. Any personal information is also protected and stays confidential.
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Hult International Business School Admissions

hult international business school personal statement
Image credit: Hult.edu

When it comes to Hult International Business School Admissions for MBA’s, it is really difficult to be selected and admitted to taking the opportunity to study further in one of these programs. However, these programs tend to prepare the best senior management students in the world of business, so it is totally supported that the effort to be selected has to be great. Even though many people think that having an MBA is not necessary at all, it actually helps in many ways. Especially when it comes from Hult International Business School, where the high education standard goes beyond what’s expected.

So, if you want to know more about the different benefits of an MBA can offer plus the different opportunities for MBA abroad requirements are in order to help you choose the best option and get the best education possible.

Benefits from Studying an MBA

In the different areas of business, from finance, accounting to marketing and even human resources, an MBA will be the best way to improve knowledge and expertise in the field, without having to specialize in a specific field in business, MBAs offer the most complete and general knowledge necessary to become a better scholar without having to specialize in specific subjects.

However, there are many other benefits from studying an MBA that people tend to look for when choosing to study an MBA, and these are:

Increase in Salary

Many students for MBA have decided to study and get their diploma because of this. The increase on the salary for MBA graduates can get up to $85,000 depending on the exact field of work. And this amount of money can even get bigger if the person gets a doctorate or a postgraduate specialty.

According to an MBA study in 2015 made by The Economist, people who studied and eventually achieved an MBA had an increased salary of over 100%. Especially those from Hult International Business School could achieve up to a 130% increase rate in their salary.

You can find out more about the benefits of an MBA from Hult School from the MBA results page on its website.

More Opportunities

Yes, getting an MBA can get even more opportunities for you than before. Just as with a doctorate and a postgraduate study, getting an MBA will help the scholar immensely when it comes to getting better job opportunities thanks to the new skills and knowledge he will learn.

However, when it comes to studying business abroad, an MBA could be the best opportunity to hope for a great job opportunity in another country. Even though MBAs are mainly sought for those people who want to change their careers or jobs, there has been an increased rate of MBA students having much better opportunities than non-MBA graduates.

According to a report made by the Hult Business School, 99% of the students who achieved an MBA changed their job, their industry, function and even the country they used to work at. You can download this report by accessing the Global Career Reports website.

Improving Your Skills

MBAs are mainly made for people who want to broad their capabilities and improve them. That’s why MBAs exists, to make people much better at their specialties or make them more apt to other different fields. When it comes to the skills an MBA student will get, these will depend on the area of study that was chosen, however, all of them will be totally transferable, especially if they have to do with the student’s profile.

Most MBA graduates end up enjoying from successful careers within their own industry, with 10% of those who study the in the same field of specialty. However, 9% of those who study an MBA end up having a better place in healthcare, another 9% in public service, 5% in energy and 5% in consumer goods sector.

International Confidence and Experience

As you will need to pass the IELTS test, as easy as it can be, the personal and professional experience from studying in a different part of the world will be astonishingly good. Not only because you will have to learn a different language, but a different culture and many other important details from the world that will give much more experience and confidence when it comes to being a businessperson.

Especially if you choose to study at Hult Business School in search of a great business MBA, the chances of turning into a wonderful business person will be pretty good. As learning about business in another country will give the student a different idea of what and how people run their business in different places in the world, learning different skills that will help the student further I his career.

Personal and Networking Benefits

When it comes to the personal and networking benefits, these are wonderfully good for any master’s graduate. Especially when we talk about those benefits that come from meeting and knowing great people in the field, those who have achieved great things and are now personalities, or even just those who will be alongside you studying to become an MBA.

This will be the main benefit from studying an MBA, getting to meet people with the same goals and field of study who can get to be future business partners and more. As getting an MBA demands having enough experience, it will be more than assured that the student will have more than one person to talk about success.

Even so, these networking benefits are much more important when it comes to those that will make the student a better person in both business and life. Those people with an MBA tend to be much more credible than those who don’t have an MBA, especially because of those skills they’ve learned that involve influencing other people and being professional. If you want to know more about the benefits of studying at Hult International Business School, we recommend you to watch the following video: Hult Business School Career Development.

study mba abroad statistics

Best Countries to Study Business Abroad

When it comes to study business abroad, there are not better opportunities than the best universities in the world that come from countries like the USA, Canada, UK, and Australia. If you want to know more about the MBA abroad requirements and benefits, keep reading.

The United States of America

The United States is one of the most popular countries to study business. Especially when it comes to MBAs with specialties in finance and accounting, the different programs that are offered in the US are the best.

Even so, following the path of the best business graduates in the world will lead you to the best universities in the US, as these will offer the best internship in the world, plus many practice and exposure with the latest technology and content available, making them the best opportunities for those who want to learn with the latest updates on their fields.

However, to be able to access in one of the many great opportunities available in the US, you will have to pass the GMAT test plus the TOEFL and IELTS English proficiency tests that will tell how much you can talk and communicate in the language.

top countries for mba salary
Image credit: QSCourses.com

The best universities to study business abroad in the US are:

  • University of Chicago – Booth Business School
  • Northwestern University – Kellogg School of Management
  • University of Virginia – Darden School of Business
  • Harvard Business School
  • Stanford University – Graduate School of Business

This list is taken from the MBA Ranking made by The Economist in 2018 puts Hult International Business School in the 60th place.

United Kingdom

The United Kingdom is one of the top-notch spots to go study business abroad. This destination is actually the most preferred by Indian students. Being one of the biggest banking and finance centers in the world, the UK is actually the most prestigious place to go study MBAs.

Even so, the UK offers the best salaries and opportunities for MBA graduates, plus being the country which has delivered more MBA diplomas in the world.

However, the universities that offer the best MBA programs are often named among the 50 best in the world, these universities are:

  • University of Warwick – Warwick Business School
  • London Business School (LBS)
  • Henley Business School
  • Cranfield School of Management

These universities are among the 50 best for MBAs in the world according to the study made in 2016 by The Economist.


Canada universities have been the native country of many companies that are right now the most influential and important for business in the world. Even so, many Indian students prefer this country to go study business abroad due to the versatility and wonderful opportunities it offers to everyone, especially foreigners.

Thanks to the great economic and social policies, Canada makes the perfect place to go study an MBA. However, only a few universities from Canada have been named among the best of the world to study MBA, but that’s not anything bad.

These universities are:

  • York University – Schulich School of Business
  • Western University – Ivey Business School
  • Queen’s University – Smith School of Business
higher education abroad statistics
Image credit: AACSB Data and Research Blog


Another country that behaves as one of the best when it comes to Business studies for a master is Australia. This country offers the most affordable and professional education with the best quality in this continent. Even so, Indians prefer this destination due to the climate and weather that is similar to their native country, plus a culture that doesn’t differ too much and a community that supports pretty much everyone.

But in order to be selected in one of the many specialized careers for MBAs that are offered in Australia, the student must pass a GMAT, IELTS, and TOEFL tests if he wants to study in this wonderful country.

The universities that offer the best MBA plans in Australia are:

  • University of Queensland Business School
  • University of Melbourne – Melbourne Business School
  • Macquarie Graduate School of Management

MBA Abroad Requirements

Most universities around the world boast an MBA Admissions Committee which is the responsible for the many students that are selected to study a certain business master on their campus. As there are a lot of different requirements to be selected in different universities, these are the most common:

Previous studies

To be able to study in an MBA program around the world, it is totally necessary to have at least a basic bachelor’s level. Most people who tend to go for an MBA are often also graduated with a Ph.D. in a related field of study in business. However, there are a lot of people that prefer studying an MBA from other fields like psychology and engineering.

To do this, it is recommended to upload or submit all the necessary documents that approve the student of having studied any career before in order to be admitted. The most common documents that are demanded are academic transcripts and diplomas, plus any wise mark and GPA results.

Work experience

Unlike many universities in countries like India, Spain, and Germany, most universities in the world to study business abroad expect the students to have at least a 3-year career experience working in their field.

Also, these programs will demand students to have at least mid-range working skills, like team management, coordination, planning, and much more. This is necessary in order to be considered and given the opportunity to study abroad.

mba abroad advantages
Image credit: smart.study

MBA application

The application for an MBA abroad is much more complex than with any other program. MBA programs demand more time and elaboration for this application, and the documents plus requirements are totally necessary and require lots of preparation.

These requirements in the application are:

  • Info about the student: name, age, experience, resume, academic grades, transcripts, entrance scores and GMAT, IELTS and TOEFL tests. Many universities demand a GPA grade.
  • MBA essay: this depends on the university. Some are mainly structured of one or two questions, while others will demand much more from the student. These often have a word limit and are asked in order to test the writing skills of the student. A personal statement for business school is also very common and our personal statement writer service can easily help you with it!
  • Letters of recommendation: most universities will ask at least 2 or 3 letters of recommendation from professors and people you’ve worked with, like managers, supervisors or even colleagues.

These are the most common MBA abroad requirements; however, it all depends on the university you’re trying to be admitted at. For example, in Hult International Business School the requirements are the following:

  • Three or more years of work experience
  • Bachelor Degree or equivalent
  • English Proficiency
  • Current Resume
  • Two Letters of Recommendation
  • GMAT, GRE or the Hult Assesment Test
  • Transcript of all grades from all the universities attended
  • A Hult International Business School Personal Statement

For more information, find out more about in the Hult International Business School requirements for MBA students’ website.

the value of an mba
Image credit: MBA.com

Tips on How to Write a Hult International Business School Personal Statement

If you want to study in the Hult Business School you will be required to fill out a series of questions depending on your field of study. However, independently of what you want to master, there are several things to take into account while writing a personal statement for business school.

These are:

  • Explain the reasons for wanting to be admitted to this university
  • Explain the abilities and knowledge that makes you fit for the program
  • Point out any achievement that comes from work experience
  • Point out the skills that are important in your field
  • Always tell your long-term goals for your career
  • Always keep the personal statement positive

If you’ll have troubles writing your personal statement, don’t forget that we offer professional international student personal statement writing help! You can also check MBA personal statement examples to get an idea of how to structure your own and highlight your unique strengths.

What Can an MBA Abroad Offer

If you think that an MBA Abroad is the best opportunity for you, there’s nothing that’s stopping you from achieving your dreams. However, it is important to always take into account the MBA abroad requirements if you want to study business abroad.
Business personal statement writing is a unique field, and our crew is always on it. Students do often overlook one aspect of it, though. Very often they submit their statement to more than one school. Many applicants are of course applying to a variety of different schools, so it looks like that might help to save them some time. However, this is a bad idea. Each individual statement should only really be used one single time.

Working on a Business Management Personal Statement

That’s one of the biggest reasons that students come to us when they’ve already written business studies personal statement. They provide us with their writing and we can rewrite it a number of different times with different words.

It’s never the same business management personal statement twice, and we also never share the same content more than once. When we write a business personal statement it becomes the property of the student. It’s not something we’re going to keep.

That’s made it easy for students to ensure that they’re always submitting unique statements each time. As a result, they’re more prepared when it comes to the application process. When it comes time for them to apply they always have their statement ready, which leaves them more time to deal with all of the other myriad problems that arise when working on the kinds of things that come with the territory of applying for some kind of a professional business management program.

Finishing a Business Personal Statement

Filling out the business studies personal statement section is always one of the most important aspects of the application process, which is why it should never be neglected. Students should always make sure that they’re ready to take it on, and those who might not feel confident enough should get in touch with us. We’re discrete and never share any information about the students who get in touch with us. We genuinely value each individual applicant’s privacy. That means a lot in this day and age. Moreover, financial personal statement and MBA application personal statement are best handled by a quality team of professional freelance writers,  these teams are always standing by to assist those who might need that kind of help.
University personal statement is something a number of students struggle with, and that’s because the type of writing doesn’t quite match up with what students are taught. Applicants have to think in a way that they’re not used to. The idea is based around the concept of thinking about the manner in which one thinks, and this requires a pretty massive paradigm shift. It’s not something that most people are used to. They might feel accurate that they’re intelligent, for instance, but instead of saying this they have to show how.

Paradigm Writing Shifts for Personal Statement for University

Personal statement university writing is certainly based around this idea nevertheless, and it’s become somewhat popular in teaching psychology. The reason is relatively logical. When people hold a conception of themselves or even the world around them, they generally hang onto it.

A personal statement for a university is designed to make people think about why they have these kinds of things. Even if they want to make it into a particular university level program, they still might not actually realize just quite why they want to. This portion of the university or occupational therapy personal statement essay writing process is generally designed to make them realize it.

Reviewers then turn around and check their reasons. If they’re valid then the students are certainly cleared to move onto the next level of their academic journey, or at least that’s the way it’s supposed to work in theory. For various reasons, it doesn’t always work out so neatly and students might be rejected without a little help. This is where it will be useful to take a peek at university or occupational therapy personal statement examples to better understand all the requirements and gather ideas.

Working with Others to Write University Personal Statement

Applicants who need a personal statement university sheet that might need some help are certainly encouraged to get in touch with our organization. Since our writers hold degrees in their particular college fields, they’re ready to work with this sort of thinking. Many of them have studied the right way to make a statement, which means that they’re always prepared when going up against particularly artistic or psychological prompts regardless of what kind of material actually has to be written. Besides, you may visit our site to know more about tips on writing personal statement for university.

If you need help at sending your application, don’t hesitate to ask for help in writing your Hult International Business School personal statement in order to be eligible for a place! Contact us today!